Purchase the limited edition Blue Light Special Album prior to release!
Includes two un-released bonus tracks.
Lyrics >> Rappers Refund
Rappers Refund
Oh no hear comes another white rapper who can't sing
and where’s the bling bling,
While grandma cries out
>Boss why can't you sing more like the king
I know right about now you feel
ripped off
ticked off
>I think I'm coming down with a cough
I am a little bit green
new to the scene
but here comes the American dream
>Only if you get some fans on the team
Come on whitey we want to be entertained
not maimed, or blame it on the rained
While OJ yells out
>My mugs been framed
But what, I can't wing it
I bring it
when I sing it
>and you get the theme
Head to star bucks
pick up 6 lattes
head to the gym
and do my palates
>Then off to the show, YO, YO, YO
I hear the jokes
from the good folks
drink 6 cokes
>And head off the stage
I play b ball
6 1/2 foot tall
Get my shot blocked and I fall
>And I still can't jump higher then when I was small
Rappers refund, time to show
head through the snow
with the cock crow
I know
>they all think I am a bozo, YO, YO, YO
"That sounds sicker and sicker every time I hear it." - Tim Wise
(Thanks for your feedback!)
No Refunds is part of the Clean and Funny Comedy Tour. All content & songs ©Copyright 2003-2014 No Refunds, & Seth Knorr or other artists respectively - All Rights Reserved